Sainsbury’s Entertainment – 01/03/2012

Posted: March 9, 2012 in Online Shopping Experiences
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 Sainsbury’s Entertainment – 01/03/2012

Item: Samurai Girls (2012) – Blu-Ray
Price: £29.99 (new)
Delivery charge: Free delivery
Purchase date: 01/03/2012 @ 16:00
Estimated dispatch: “02/03/2012 or next working day”
Estimated delivery: “02/03/2012 or next working day”
Actual dispatch: 02/03/2012 (apparently)
Actual delivery: 07/03/2012 @ 13:30

This item was recommended to me by Amazon following my recent purchase of The Last Story. Rather than disagree with Amazon’s recommendation, I decided to make the purchase… on another website. Yes, for some strange reason Sainsbury’s Entertainment were charging £2 less than Amazon, so it made sense to buy from their website instead. I had hoped Zavvi would offer a decent price on this item, as they’d recently given me a 10% discount code due to my lack of purchasing activity on their website. Annoyingly, even with the 10% discount, Sainsbury’s were still cheaper than Zavvi. I’m guessing all Zavvi’s prices are exactly 10% more than the RRP, deeming my discount code a complete waste if time.

It was fortunate that Amazon listed all the details of this product; otherwise, I wouldn’t have had a fucking clue what I was buying:


If this Blu-Ray has been on sale since January, why haven’t they updated the item description yet? When Sainsbury’s Entertainment does actually provide item descriptions, they’re very good.

I’ve only used Sainsbury’s Entertainment once in the past; this was for a pre-order on The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Collector’s Edition. They were only charging £35.99 for it, which was obviously ludicrously cheap.  Because I’d already set up an account with Sainsbury’s Entertainment, I was expecting the checkout process to be relatively quick. It WAS quick, up until they asked for my payment details. For whatever reason, Sainsbury’s Entertainment doesn’t seem to save credit/debit card details. It could be argued this is a security measure to stop people buying things on your account without knowing your card details. However, once you’ve inputted your card details, you’re automatically linked to your bank’s card protection scheme, which should serve as an ample security measure. Anyway, having to input my card details meant searching for my wallet and typing things, which obviously cost me valuable seconds of my life.

Following my purchase, I received an e-mail from Sainsbury’s Entertainment confirming my order. It’s worth noting that if you have a Nectar Card, there’s an option to use it at the virtual checkout. Sainsbury’s informed me that the item had been dispatched not long after I placed the order. Disappointingly, I did not receive the item “the next working day.” Sainsbury’s would have scored well if the delivery was a bit quicker.

The result of NNR’s shopping experience:

Website Navigation Very good on the whole. Simple drop-down bars, good search tool.
Item descriptions Poor. No image. Virtually no description what-so-ever.
Range of items If this obscure Japanese animation is stocked, they must have a pretty decent range.
Value Competitive. This particular item was the cheapest on the web.
Service Rewards Nectar Points. Possible 2% Quidco cashback through Sainsbury’s Direct… but I can’t yet say whether this applies to Sainsbury’s Entertainment.
Delivery Could have been quicker. They seemed to quote the same figure for both the delivery and the dispatch. Rather confusing. 
Item Condition The correct item arrived sealed and unharmed.
After Sales Not required.

Final score


6/10 – Nothing special on this occasion.


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