
Welcome to No Nonsense Reviews: a website dedicated to providing honest and uncensored critiques of all the things that matter in life.

Our Mission

We can no longer accept the reviews published in mainstream literature. Their dishonest opinions have encouraged countless consumers to exchange their hard-earned cash for truly dreadful products and services. We feel it is our moral obligation to provide honest critiques to prevent these industries profiting from their abysmal offerings.

The Legend Duo, 2010.

Some information about the categories:

Articles & Essays: Articles that cannot be classified as reviews are placed within this category.

Computer & Video Games: We aim to provide trustworthy computer and video game reviews. Because we’re not paid backhanders by the publishing companies, we have no reason to lie to you.

Gadgets & Technology: Honest and easy to digest gadget and technology reviews that aren’t funded by the gadget and technology companies.

Top 10 of Everything: The top 10 of everything of any importance. These lists are not open to debate.

Fan Art & Mail: Please send your fan art & mail to the e-mail address below. If we feel it’s of some value, we’ll publish it on the ‘Fan Art & Mail’ page. We’ll also publish hate mail if it’s any good.

E-mail us at:



Please read:

If you’re offended by any of the content on this website it’s because you’re thin-skinned, have lived a sheltered life and need to grow up. Please close your Internet browser if you’re the sort of soft shit who’s offended by honest opinions. Thank you.

  1. EmpressBoo says:

    oh dear, it appears I omitted this page, warning me of your constant use of disgraceful language!!

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