Posts Tagged ‘Highlander’

Top 10 Sci-Fi Films

Continuing our series of ‘top 10’, it’s now the turn of the sci-fi genre – perhaps the category with the richest catalogue of films to choose from, and one which provides endless debate here at NNR.

10) Moon (2009)

Arguably the best sci-fi film made after 1991. An original and intriguing concept – precisely what the genre has been lacking since er, 1991.

9) Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Arguably better in some respects than the original Terminator, the stand-out elements are the amazing effects, the astonishing car/bike chase scene and the T-1000 as one of cinema’s greatest-ever villains. There’s no denying that the child is fucking annoying, though, and the fact that Arnie’s terminator doesn’t actually terminate anybody is a massive disappointment.

8) Highlander (1986)

The more I watch this film, the better it gets. Overlooking the dated special effects the concept is brilliant, and there’s some great sword fighting scenes aswell. Queen’s soundtrack is amongst the best ever.

7) The Running Man (1987)

One of Arnie’s many valuable contributions to the genre. Ben Richards is an innocent man sentenced, it seems, to a brutal and very public death as a contestant on a futuristic gameshow. Memorable characters and some amazing death scenes make this a classic.

6) Predator (1987)

What do you get if you mix: Arnie; one of cinema’s greatest monsters; a muscle-bound cast featuring such heavyweights as Apollo Creed and Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura; and some improbably large weapons? You get Predator – one of the greatest sci-fi films of all time.

5) The Terminator (1984)

The Terminator as he was supposed to be – a relentless, and unfeeling killing machine. No kids to spoil the cast, either.

4) The Thing (1982)

Horror at its finest, a team of scientists fall prey to an unspeakable creature at a frozen polar outpost. From the iconic opening scene to the satisfying ending, there’s actually nothing wrong with this film. The proposed remake might well be the most pointless endeavour of all time.

3) Aliens (1986)

Its predecessor could easily be on this list, but is probably more deserving of its berth on our ‘horror’ top 10. This sequel moves more towards sci-fi action, and is comfortably one of the best ever in this genre.

2) Robocop (1987)

Part man, part machine… all cop! That really says it all. One of the most quotable films of all time, it’s the perfect sci-fi film, with probably the best death sequence ever, as Emil gets drenched in toxic waste and melts.

1) Total Recall (1991)

Arnie at his best – his most versatile performance ever. Total Recall literally has everything you’d ever want in a sci-fi film, including (but not limited to) an amazing story, unbeatable action, hideous mutants and a three-breasted lady.